Friday, November 28, 2008

My Staff Team

(Front: John, Rachel, Jamie, Me, Jason /Middle: Kevin, Justin, Adam/Back: Amy W.)

One of my favorite things about being on staff with Campus Crusade is the people I get to do life with on a regular basis. My staff team is wonderful! We have a lot of fun together and we really enjoy being together. I always joke that I love our staff meetings because we get to be together. That would be the extrovert in me talking! Speaking of our staff meetings though, this picture (above) was taken at a recent one. Notice that most of us are wearing Montana gear. Well, this was right before the big football game between UofM and Montana State University. It's a pretty big rivalry and I had a fun idea. There is a Crusade staff team at MSU and we decided we would send a little "gift" to the MSU team in honor of the Griz/Cat game. We baked some cookies and sent the package along with an appropriate amount of Griz gear and this picture of course! I'm still waiting to see how they respond to us. Oh but the Griz BEAT the Bobcats handily! Go Griz!

(Left to Right: John, Rachel, Jamie, Devon, Colleen, Me, Amy W., Kevin, Kristi, Adam, Amy R.)

Okay, so this picture brings my heart joy for a couple different reasons. First, let me explain why we look so funny. Amy W. (one of my roommates) recently turned 30 and we had a Decades Party in celebration. Everyone was to come dressed as your favorite decade. Can you guess what decade I am? Anyway, almost our whole staff team was able to come to the party AND most of them dressed up!!!! It was a fun night. Please pray for our team-that we would continue to care for one another and that nothing would interfere in how God wants to use us together and individually here in Missoula.


Ruhiyyih Rose said...

Fun post! I love the pics!!

Will you be in WA over Christmas/ New Years by any chance?


Leif and Jami Gustafson said...

You look splendid!