Sunday, February 22, 2009


Do you ever have times in your life when you think that it is impossible to do all that is before you? I am feeling that way tonight...wait, who am I kidding, I've been feeling that way since January!

I feel behind...with you, my faithful readers; with my family; with friends; with ministry. And maybe the biggest part of the problem is that I feel behind with God. I hate that! Why does God seem to be the first thing I push down on my daily list and yet He's the one thing that would truly help me in all the other areas??? It's not just tasks that seem hard lately either. Being with God has been hard. Listening to God has been hard.

Every day I tell God that I'm not sure I can do the things He is asking me to do. And every day, I am reminded that I definitely CANNOT do the things He's asking of me, but that He never expected me to do them.

There's not a huge epiphany coming here. No, mostly I just needed to tell you that, like you, not every day is easy. But following Christ is definately worth it. I thought maybe you could pray for me and I could pray for you. What should we pray? Well, it's funny because I have this verse taped to my bookshelf next to my bed. It's a verse that another staff person, this summer, encouraged me to meditate on and pray through.

"My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip-- he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Istrael will neither slumber nor sleep." - Psalm 121: 2-4
Isn't that a great word from the Lord? I thought so too! Okay, friend, thanks for your listening ear. Have a great day and I'll be back soon.
Remember, I'm praying for you!


Leif and Jami Gustafson said...

I love you, Stephanie, and am praying for you!!

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

I miss you Steph girl!! Hugs!