Thursday, June 4, 2009

Waaaay Behind....

Today I was reading the blogs of my friends and thinking about my blog. I haven't been so great at keeping up with it but today I feel more motivated so perhaps things will change for the better. :)

So, what has been up in my world? Well, a lot actually. In February I wrote that I felt very behind in life and with God. Shortly after that post I got really sick. After a lot of doctor's visits and tests the diagnosis was: "either mono or some other virus". So, unfortunately I spend the rest of the spring semester here in Missoula feeling pretty under the weather. By the end of April I felt a TON better but still not my normal self. Please pray for my health. It's nice to know that its nothing serious but so frustrating to not be as active as I'm used to.

In light of my health issues the last few months, there were some changes made to what I would be doing this summer. You see every summer Campus Crusade staff receive a summer assignment. We get to give leadership to different Summer Projects and work with students either in the states or overseas. You might recall that last summer I was in Lake Tahoe. Another option is for staff to take seminary classes or leadership classes to further our development. Originally I was supposed to go to Croatia but because of my health it was decided that it would be better for me to stay in the states. Instead, I will be going through what is called The Leadership Track in Ft. Collins, Colorado. I'm not exactly sure what the class will be like but I know that I will be developing my own leadership style and growing in that area. I think it will be a great opportunity for me, especially because this year I have been asking a lot of questions of myself when it comes to my leadership ability.

The school year wrapped up nicely about a month ago now. I'll have to write more about that in the next blog. It has been so great to reflect on what the Lord has done on this campus this year. Praise Him with me for His greatness and the ways He changes the lives of people every day.

As I think back on the year, I am more in love with my job and my life than I was at the beginning. That's a great feeling! I am more certain that this is truly what God has called me to do and I absolutely love it. Please continue to pray for my work with college students at the University of Montana. Pray also for my financial support. Thankfully, God daily provides for me in amazing ways but I will need to spend some time working on this and would appreciate your prayers for that.

Well, this is a quick update but I just wanted you to know that I am alive and well. I will write more in the days to come and of course there will be pictures. Have a great day! :)


Anonymous said...

finally...been waiting for an update :)

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

Thinking of you today, Steph girl! I know that we both had similar health issues at the same time and strangely mine resolved itself when I moved. I think it was something in my house... anyhoo I am back to 100%. I hope you find a house soon, blessings to you, friend!

Leif and Jami Gustafson said...

Love you!